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Friday, April 6, 2012


I get the question "Why are you not dating anyone?" from tons of friends and family members all the time! Everytime my aunt calls me thats the first thing she asks! And my answer is always STANDARDS!  I have high standards for relationships and if you dont meet them or are close to them then im not giving you my time in a relationship...simple as that. I was taught through past relationships and watching other peoples relationships about how a guy should treat a woman. Im from the South, and us southern women dont put up with guys bullshit, at least not in my family. We raise our boys to be gentlemen and our girl to be ladies. Simple! So heres my list of standards, to high? or not high enough? 

*Country boy*

*Not a sissy*

*Wears cowboy boots*

*Does NOT smoke*

*Does NOT dip tobacco*

*Opens doors for me*

*Holds my hand in public*

*Has never been married*

*Does not have children*

*Must have a job*

*Must be a Christian*

*No lying*

*Honesty goes a long way*

*Nice and clean teeth*

*Good hygiene* 

*No shaggy hair*

*Clean trimmed beard*

*Can make me laugh*

* Surprises me* 

*Has his priorities straight*

*Never late to things*

*Knows how to live on his own*

*Can pay bills*

*Keeps his word*

*Speaks his mind*

*Doesnt hide things*

*Respects his parents*

*Has an education*

*Supports my ambitions*

*Not cocky*

*Has a good group of friends*

*Hard worker*

*Knows the difference between work & play*

*Good cook*

*Not lazy*

*Has to be older than me*

*Has to be taller than me*

*Needs common interest*

*Needs to like kids*

*Makes me smile when im down*

*Sticks up for me*


*Sends me sweet messages*

*Loves me for me*

*Tells me his problems*

*Takes me on vacation*

*Lets me meet his family*

*Cuddle with me*

*Goes out of his way for me*

*Tells his mom he loves her*

*Tells me i'm beautiful over and over again*

*Talks about the future with me*

*Includes me in his plans*

*Has a car*

*Picks me up for dates*

*My dad and brothers approve*

*Does NOT look at porn*

*Pays for dinner (unless i offer)*

*Good kisser*

*Rides or owns horses*

*From the country not the city*

*Not a big video game player*

*Enjoys being outside rather than inside*

*Listens to my problems*

*Helps me*

*Knows everything about me*

*Accepts my past*

*Goes on fun adventures with me*

*Takes care of me when im sick*

*Fun to be around*

*Drops everything for me when needed*

*Puts up with my hobbies*

*Will take me shopping*


*Stands up for what he believes in*

*Has standards*

and last but not least

*Treats me right!*

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